THE FORRESTER (prices from £375+), hat, Wylde and Waite, Mr Mullan's General Store, [variant_title], [option1], [option2], [option3]. We recommend using the default value. Default value is: THE FORRESTER (prices from £375+) - Mr Mullan's General Store
THE FORRESTER (prices from £375+), hat, Wylde and Waite, Mr Mullan's General Store, [variant_title], [option1], [option2], [option3]. We recommend using the default value. Default value is: THE FORRESTER (prices from £375+) - Mr Mullan's General Store
THE FORRESTER (prices from £375+), hat, Wylde and Waite, Mr Mullan's General Store, [variant_title], [option1], [option2], [option3]. We recommend using the default value. Default value is: THE FORRESTER (prices from £375+) - Mr Mullan's General Store
THE FORRESTER (prices from £375+), hat, Wylde and Waite, Mr Mullan's General Store, [variant_title], [option1], [option2], [option3]. We recommend using the default value. Default value is: THE FORRESTER (prices from £375+) - Mr Mullan's General Store
THE FORRESTER (prices from £375+), hat, Wylde and Waite, Mr Mullan's General Store, [variant_title], [option1], [option2], [option3]. We recommend using the default value. Default value is: THE FORRESTER (prices from £375+) - Mr Mullan's General Store

THE FORRESTER (prices from £375+)

Regular price £375.00

This product is only available on request. Contact us for a quote.

Prices start at £375.00 please email us for a quote and include your head measurement.


Louis Waite is a hatter and hat block maker from London, creating carefully hand crafted bespoke hats and blocks to clients around the world.

Completely self-taught, his craftsmanship and style continue to set him apart from the competition, creating new and exciting hats for men and women.

The idea behind is Wylde & Waite is to offer not just a hat but an experience.

Whenever possible, Louis travels to meet clients and takes great pleasure in talking design and advising on what style might best suit the individual.

Alternatively, clients are always welcome (by appointment) to visit Louis in his workshop in the back of an old boat building yard in Richmond, South West London, on the banks of the River Thames.

The hats we make are entirely hand made and so different every time. Whilst we adhere to the highest standards, due to the nature of the work the final piece may have what some people call ‘imperfections’. We however, call them ‘perfections’.

Colours can also vary to what is seen on the website as portraying exact colours digitally is difficult and over time the dyeing process changes slightly.


To obtain your correct head size, take a soft tape measure around your head, above your ear, and across the mid-forehead. Hold the tape firmly, but not too tightly.
Or, where you would like your hat to sit on your head.


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